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English Conversation 2 - Writing assignments
작성일 2003-08-28
These are the writing assignments for this semsester.
Don\'t forget that there are also rewrites (고쳐쓰기) for each one too.
Remember, always a minimum of 10 sentences.
Have fun and be creative.

Week 1
Last weekend I had a very good time. On Saturday night I went out drinking with my friend. First we went to a traditional Korean restaurant and had some dong-dong ju. Then we went to a western style bar for cocktails. We talked until very late so I almost missed the last subway train. On Sunday I shopped for food and stopped at my favorite coffee shop for coffee. When I got home, I cleaned my room and did the laundry. I cooked dinner. It was very good. I made kimchi stew and samgeop sal. I loved it

Week 4
I have been to Jeju Island three times.
I have eaten kimbab twice today.
I have washed my hair every day this week.
I have never been to Greece.
I haven’t exercised this week.

Week 7
Next weekend I am going to have a great time. My friend told me there is a concert in Haeoondae. Boa is playing, I love her music. My friend and I are going to the concert. We are meeting in Seomyon and we are going to have dinner first. Then, we are taking the subway to Haeoondae and we are going to the concert. After the concert, ...

Week 10
Look at the example 8, p. 95 in the Interchange book. Write 3-4 messages.

Week 13
Look at the example 10, p. 102. Write about your plans.