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2021학년도 교양선택
구분 교과목
교과목명 이수
학점 강의 실습 비고
2933 기초프로그래밍 The Introduction to Elementary Programming 영역
3 3
03840 실전토익 TOEIC 2 2 1학기
보건과학대학(특별과정영역) 01841 정보과학개론 Introduction to Information Science 교양
3 3 1학기
02247 인간관계심리학 Psychology of Relationship and Adjustment 3 3 1학기
02248 응급처치개론 Introduction to First Aids 3 3 1학기
01837 의공학개론 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 3 3 2학기
01839 법의학 Legal Medicine 3 3 2학기
01840 생활한의학 Basic Oriental Medicine 3 3 2학기
1영역(문학영역) 02981 문학과영상 Literature and Cinema 교양
3 3
03941 세계문학 World Literature 3 3
04170 문학과상상력 Literature and Imagination 3 3 OCU
04171 문학과테마기행 Literature and thematics 3 3 OCU
04185 인문학과자기경영의만남 Humanities and selfmanagement 3 3 OCU
04427 한국문학 Korean Literature 3 3
04428 여성과문학 Femininity and Literature 교양
3 3
04429 한국현대소설감상 Modern Korean Novels 3 3
04430 한국고전문학감상 Classical Korean Literature 3 3
04431 시낭송과감상 Poetry Recitation and Appreciation 3 3
04432 영미대중소설감상 American and English Popular Novels 3 3
04433 영미시특선 English Anthology 3 3
04434 그리스로마신화 Greek and Roman Mythology 3 3
04435 문학과정신분석 Literature and Psychoanalysis 3 3
04516 교양삼국지 Studying the ThreeKingdoms 3 3
04529 드라마의이해와감상 Understanding Drama 3 3
04814 교양초한지 The Story Of Han(漢)Dynasty 3 3
2영역(역사영역) 04179 한국이민의역사와문화이야기 The history and culture of korean migration 교양
3 3 OCU
04181 실크로드를따라서 Silkroad 3 3 OCU
04327 사회복지역사 History of SocialWelfare 3 3
04436 한국사의새로운해석 New Interpretation of Korean History 3 3
04437 인물로보는한국사 Korean History through Figures 3 3
04438 고중세한국사 Ancient and Medieval Korean History 3 3
04439 근현대한국사 Modern and Contemporary Korean History 3 3
04440 한국의문화유적 Korean Cultural Heritage 3 3
04441 남북분단과한국전쟁 The Korean War and aDividedNation 3 3
04442 새로읽는한일교류사 New Korea-Japan Diplomatic History 3 3
04443 세계사에대한새로운이해 New Understanding of World History 3 3
04444 세계문화유적 World Cultural Heritage 3 3
04445 동아시아문명의새로운이해 A New Understanding of East Asian Civilization 3 3
04446 중국의인물과역사 Chinese Figures and History 3 3
04447 일본의인물과역사 Japanese Figures and History 3 3
04448 쉽게배우는세계교회사 Easy World Church History 3 3
04449 영미권역사에대한이해 Understanding British and American History 3 3
04450 라틴아메리카역사에대한이해 LatinAmerican History 3 3 연합대학(IN)
04451 잊을수없는6.25전쟁사 6.25War History 교양
3 3 OCU
04823 이미지로읽는서양의역사와문화 Western history and culture through images 3 3
04825 한국사이야기 The Story of Korean History 3 3
3영역(철학영역) 04452 철학산책 Introduction to Philosophy 교양
3 3
04453 영화로보는철학이야기 PhilosophisingwithMovies 3 3
04454 한국철학의전통 Tradition of Korean Philosophy 3 3
04455 동양철학의전통 Tradition of Eastern Philosophy 3 3
04456 서양철학의전통 Tradition of Western Philosophy 3 3
04457 동양의위대한사상가들 Great Eastern Thinkers 3 3
04458 서양의위대한사상가들 Great Western Thinkers 3 3
04459 현대사회와윤리 Modern Society and Ethics 3 3 연합대학(IN)
04460 동서양의종교적지혜 WisdomofEastandWest 3 3
04461 그리스도교철학 Philosophy of Christianity 3 3
04462 생명과윤리의철학적성찰 Life Ethics 3 3
04463 성과사랑의철학 Philosophy of Sex and Love 3 3
04464 사회철학의기본이해 Introduction to Social Philosophy 3 3
04465 인간과환경의조화 Harmony between Man and Environment 3 3
04466 명상과수행 Meditation Practice 3 3
04467 웰빙과웰다잉 Well-Being and Well-Dying 3 3
04468 마음을열어주는철학이야기 Introduction to Philosophy 3 3 OCU
04820 예술에관한철학적담론 Philosophical Discourse on Art 3 3
4영역(사회과학영역) 01109 인간관계론 The Introduction Human Relation 교양
3 3
02787 사회학의이해 The Introduction to Sociology 3 3
02789 심리학의이해 The Introduction to Psychology 3 3
03950 정치의이해 Understanding Politics 3 3
04174 결혼과가족 Marriage&Family 3 3 OCU
04175 문화콘텐츠경영전략과사례 Culture contents businesss trategy and casestudy 3 3 OCU
04469 글로벌시대와다문화사회 The Global Era and Multicultural Society 3 3
04470 미디어와현대사회 Media and Modern Society 3 3
04471 인간생활과경제 Daily Economy 교양
3 3
04472 중독과인간 Addiction and Human 3 3
04473 자아탐색과자아실현 A Quest for Self and Self-actualization 3 3
04474 페미니즘의이해 Understanding Feminism 3 3
04475 현대문화와생태도시 Contemporary Culture and EcologicalCity 3 3
04476 한국인의문화와심리 The Culture and Psychology of Korean 3 3 OCU
04477 생활속의심리학 Psychology in Our Life 3 3 OCU
04478 끌리는사람들의유쾌한커뮤니케이션 The Cheerful Communication of Attractive People 3 3 OCU
04517 중독과사회 Addiction and Society 3 3
04518 시민생활과법 Society and Law 3 3
04519 노동법으로보는직장생활가이드 An Introduction to Labor Law and Occupational Life 3 3
04520 소비자와마케팅 Consumers and Marketing 3 3
04824 한국대중문화이해 Understanding Korean Popular Culture 3 3
5영역(자연과학영역) 03405 물리학의기초 Basic Physics 교양
3 3 연합대학(IN)
03406 생물학의기초 Basic Biology 3 3 연합대학(IN)
03407 화학의기초 Basic Chemistry 3 3
04176 영화로배우는자연재해 Natural disaster learning from movies 3 3 OCU
04177 항공우주학개론 Introduction to airandspace 3 3 OCU
04479 수학의기초 Basic Mathematics 3 3
04480 천문지리의기초 Basic Astronomy and Geography 3 3
04481 생태학의기초 Basic Ecology 3 3
04482 지구환경의위기 Crisis of Global Environment 3 3
04483 생활속의통계 Practical Statistics 3 3
04484 과학혁명의역사 History of Scientific Revolution 3 3
04485 생활속의수학 Mathematical Principles in DailyLife 3 3 OCU
04486 세상을바꾸는아름다운수학 Beautiful Mathematics that Changes the World 3 3 OCU
04487 생활속의안전 Life Safety 3 3 OCU
04815 뉴스타트물리 New Start Physics 3 3
04816 뉴스타트생물 New Start Biology 3 3
04817 뉴스타트수학 New Start Mathematics 교양
3 3
04818 뉴스타트화학 New Start Chemistry 3 3
6영역(ICT와미래사회영역) 04183 문화콘텐츠와창의성 Cultural contents and creativity 교양
3 3 OCU
04488 컴퓨터기초와활용 Basic Utilization of Computer 3 3
04489 컴퓨터과학적사유로세상보기 Living and Computer Science 3 3
04490 사이버스페이스의정보윤리 Information Ethics of Cyberspace 3 3
04491 프로그래밍기초 Basic Programming 3 3
04492 웹프로그래밍기초 Basic WebProgramming 3 3
04493 인터넷과사이버스페이스 Internet and Cyberspace 3 3
04494 인공지능입문 Introduction to AI 3 3
04495 빅데이터입문 Introduction to BigData 3 3
04496 코딩과사물인터넷 Coding and IoT 3 3
04497 인공지능(AI)과호모사피엔스의미래 AI and HomoSapiens in the Future 3 3
04498 인공지능과마음 AI and Human Mind 3 3
04499 4차산업혁명핵심기술의이해 Understanding the CoreTechnology of Fourth Industrial Revolution 3 3
04500 삶과4차산업혁명 Human life and The Fourth Industrial Revolution 3 3
04501 미래인공지능사회의문학예술 Literature and Artin the Future AI Society 3 3
04502 처음시작하는딥러닝 First DeepRunning 3 3 OCU
04521 정보사회와소셜컴퓨팅 Information Society and Social Computing 3 3
04522 나만의UCC만들기 Creating My Own UCC 3 3
04523 포토샵자격증 Photoshop Certification 3 3
7영역(체육영역) 03973 배드민턴 Badminton 교양
2 2
03974 필라테스 Pilates 2 2
03975 웨이트트레이닝 Weight trainning 2 2
04107 스포츠문화 Sports culture 2 2
04504 운동과건강관리 Exercise and Health Care 2 2
04821 외국인을위한태권도Ⅰ Taekwondo for foreign students onlyⅠ 2 2 1학기
04189 하계스포츠(P/N) Summer sports 2 2 하계학기
04822 외국인을위한태권도Ⅱ Taekwondo for foreign students onlyⅡ 2 2 2학기
04190 동계스포츠(P/N) Winter sports 교양
2 2 동계학기
8영역(예술영역) 03977 대중문화속의음악 Music in MassCulture 교양
2 2
04381 영화로만나는클래식음악 Classical music in the movie 2 2
04503 한국고전음악의이해 Understanding Korean Classical Music 2 2
04505 현대음악의이해 Understanding Contemporary Music 2 2
04506 한국고전미술의이해 Understanding Korean Classical Fine Art 2 2
04507 현대미술의이해 Understanding Contemporary Art 2 2
04508 미학오디세이 Aesthetic Odyssey 2 2
04524 프레젠테이션제작 Creating Presentations 2 2
9영역(글로컬외국어영역) 02815 중급일본어 The Intermediate Japanese 교양
2 2
03028 기초중국어 Basic Chinese 2 2
03030 기초일본어 Basic Japanese 2 2
03819 뉴스타트잉글리시 New Start English 2 2
03979 뉴스타트글쓰기 New Start Writing 2 2
04509 기초영어회화 Basic English Conversation 2 2
04510 중급영어회화 Intermediate English Conversation 2 2
04511 기초토익리스닝 Basic TOEIC(L/C) 2 2
04512 기초토익리딩 Basic TOEIC(R/C) 2 2
04525 기초베트남어Ⅰ Basic VietnameseⅠ 2 2 연합대학(IN)
04526 고급한국어회화(P/N) Advanced korean Conversation 2 2
04528 항공관광비즈니스영어 Practical English for Tourism 2 2
04384 중급한국어 Intermediate Korean 3 3 1학기
04826 한국사회의이해 Understanding of Korean society 3 3 1학기
04827 한국어글쓰기 Korean writing 3 3 1학기
04376 고급한국어 Advanced Korean 3 3 2학기
04819 시사한국어 Current affairs in korean 3 3 2학기
04828 한국어프레젠테이션 Korean presentation 3 3 2학기